Data Collection

We collect specific data during your interaction with our Service, as defined in our Privacy Policy. This includes our Java Edition alongside Geyser for Bedrock Edition support, and our website. Our Data Collection (“Data Collection Notice”) provides a clear, easy-to-understand overview for our users, ensuring transparency about the information we collect. For an in-depth description of our data collection practices, we encourage you to review our Privacy Policy. Please understand that this Data Collection Notice does not replace our Privacy Policy; it functions as an addition to and a reference for it. Agreement to both our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service is required to use any part of the KrypticMC Service.

Our Java Edition (with Geyser support for Bedrock Edition)

The information we collect includes:

  • Your Minecraft Account UUID and username
  • Timestamps including registration, login and logout, and total playtime
  • Player statistics
  • Your Rank
  • Purchases
  • Cosmetics and related choices
  • Playtime
  • Playtime rewards streak
  • Your list of friends and your friend requests
  • Your logins (ip, client version)
  • Any and all survey responses
  • Your user preferences
  • Kit data
  • Player punishments
  • Game and map voting
  • Advertisement participation

Our Website

The information we collect includes:

  • Your username
  • Your email address
  • Your password
  • Any demographic data you supply including your date of birth
  • Payment information if you make a purchase
  • Any attached services you add to your profile
  • Any content you create on these systems (messages, comments, poll answers, topics, likes, etc.)
  • The UUID of your Minecraft Account
  • The XID of your Microsoft Xbox Live account

We Use Your Information To

  • Manage our Service in alignment with our legitimate business interests. This encompasses the delivery and maintenance of the service, technological upkeep and updates, ensuring security and availability, fraud prevention, and other general business operations.
  • Perform services as requested by you, including completing purchases, responding to customer service inquiries, and addressing issues with other users.
  • Monitor and analyze trends, usage, and activities to enhance the user experience.
  • Conduct research and improving our Service.
  • Ensure protection to users from any abuse of our systems or by other players.

Why We Use Your Information

We collect and utilize your information to operate and support our business. Gathering your data is essential for displaying statistics, fulfilling your requests, and ensuring the availability and enhancement of our Service. Without this data, using our Service would not be possible. If you disagree with our collection or use of your data, we advise against using our service.

How We Share Your Data

The data you provide to or generate on KrypticMC is utilized solely in manners that are essential for our business operations and lawful, based on our legitimate interests or as permitted by your consent.

Contact Us

Should you have any inquiries or remarks regarding this Data Collection Notice, our Privacy Policy, our data practices, or our adherence to relevant laws, please feel free to contact us: